This planner is designed to help state education agencies (SEAs) support local education agencies (LEAs) with the implementation of Title II, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Under ESSA, states have the opportunity and responsibility to expend allocated funds using continuous improvement rather than compliance only approach. ESSA also puts the emphasis on students who are underserved and the need for access for all students to excellent teaching. Our goal with this planner is to assist you in making strategic, evidence-based decisions about the funding that you receive to improved teaching and learning for all students.
Title II, Part A is the third-largest state grant program funded by Congress and managed by the U.S. Department of Education. While all states and school systems receive some support from it, the exact dollars are determined through a formula that considers a state's poverty levels (80%), as well as its overall population (20%). Title II, Part A is the only federal program that is directly focused on supporting professional learning as well as other allowable uses.
Under ESSA, states are permitted to set aside up to 5% of Title IIA funds for state-level activities (only 1% of which may be administrative). The allowable uses of funds for these state-level activities are broad. In addition to administrative costs, states may use Title IIA funds to work on improving professional learning systems, reaching all students, and implementing their own state standards for effective professional learning. States may also set aside an additional 3% exclusively for leadership investments.