Stages and Tools for the State Education Agency (SEA)
Professional Learning System Framework
The Title IIA grant in ESSA is intended to support teachers, principals, and other school leaders in their work to improve the overall quality of instruction and ensure equity of educational opportunity for all students. The purpose of Title II is to:
- Increase student achievement consistent with state standards;
- Improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders;
- Increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and
- Provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders.
For federal nonregulatory guidance on the Title II program including a list of all allowable uses, please see Non-Regulatory Guidance for Title II, Part A: Building Systems of Support for Excellent Teaching and Learning ( September 2016).
Start with a diagnostic assessment
Work through the tool
Finish with reflection questions
This stage supports SEAs in refining the Title IIA application for LEAs by highlighting key areas of focus for districts to prioritize with the development of evidence-based practices and corresponding funding. These focus areas are as follows: 1) attract the most effective educators to LEAs and the schools that need them; 2) develop a systematic, coordinated approach to provide new and sustained leadership opportunities with additional compensation, recognition, and job-embedded professional development for teachers and administrators to advance excellent teaching and learning; 3) the use of evaluation data in development, compensation, and employment decisions.
This stage focuses on evidence-based practices and corresponding questions that can be used for both remote and onsite monitoring with all districts.